Monday, November 21, 2011

Patch Installtion

/ -install -patchlist=372T -verbose -prod_dir=/WebLogic/utils/bea922/weblogic92
Please follow the below steps to install the patch Offline.

1) Please go the the directory <OracleWLSHome>/utils/bsu/cache_dir

2) Place the JAR files, patch-catalog_15563.xml in the cache_dir directory.

3) Rename the patch-catalog_15563.xml to patch-catalog.xml.

4) Go to <OracleWLSHome>/utils/bsu/

5) Now please execute the following command:-

/ -install -patchlist=372T -verbose -prod_dir=<OracleWLSHome>/weblogic92

I have applied the patch on my local machine and below is the output:

D:\wls922\utils\bsu>bsu.cmd -install -verbose -patchlist=372T -prod_dir=D:\wls922\weblogic92
Checking for conflicts..
No conflict(s) detected

Starting installation of Patch ID: 372T
Installing D:\wls922\utils\bsu\cache_dir\372T.jar
Extracting D:\wls922\patch_weblogic922\patch_jars\Bug8121714_922.jar
Updating D:\wls922\patch_weblogic922\profiles\default\sys_manifest_classpath\weblogic_patch.jar
Old manifest value: Class-Path=../../../patch_jars/CR372577_920mp2.jar ../../../patch_jars/bug8178405_92mp2.jar
New manifest value: Class-Path=../../../patch_jars/Bug8121714_922.jar ../../../patch_jars/CR372577_920mp2.jar ../../../patch_jars/bug8178405_92mp2.jar
Result: Success

Note: -prod_dir=<OracleWLSHome>/wlserver_10.3 the prod dir will be according to your installation and can be different from what i have specified.

/ -install -patchlist=372T -verbose -prod_dir=/WebLogic/utils/bea922/weblogic92
./ -patchlist=372T -verbose -prod_dir=/WebLogic/utils/bea922/weblogic92 -remove

Screenshots where you see that 2%, along with additional heap dump and thread dumps (10, 1 each 20 sec) would be good to get the whole picture.


D:\bea_homes\103\utils\bsu>bsu -prod_dir=d:\bea_homes\103\wlserver_10.3 -status=applied -view –verbose

./ -prod_dir=/WebLogic/utils/bea922/weblogic92 -status=applied -view –verbose

./ -prod_dir=/WebLogic/utils/bea922/weblogic92 -patchlist=372T -verbose -remove
root@v02k40 # ./ -prod_dir=/WebLogic/utils/bea922/weblogic92 -status=applied -view -verbose
ProductName:       WebLogic Platform
ProductVersion:    9.2 MP2
Components:        WebLogic Platform/WebLogic Server
BEAHome:           /WebLogic/appdata1/Installs/bea922
ProductHome:       /WebLogic/utils/bea922/weblogic92
PatchSystemDir:    /WebLogic/appdata1/Installs/bea922/utils/bsu
PatchDir:          /WebLogic/appdata1/Installs/bea922/patch_weblogic922
Profile:           Default
DownloadDir:       /WebLogic/appdata1/Installs/bea922/utils/bsu/cache_dir
JavaHome:          /WebLogic/utils/bea922/jdk150_10
JavaVersion:       1.5.0_10

Patch ID:          G8VX
PatchContainer:    G8VX.jar
Checksum:          -32692528
Severity:          optional
Category:          OA&M
Restart:           true
Description:       This patch fixes a resulting when
                    AdminServer is set to a listenAddress & managed servers us
                   http URL to boot from the admin server.

Patch ID:          3X4R
PatchContainer:    3X4R.jar
Checksum:          37633104
Severity:          optional
Category:          Core
Restart:           false
Description:       WLS 9.2MP2 patch containing the pollmuxer native for Solaris
                    Sparc64 bit platform.

Patch ID:          YBCC
PatchContainer:    YBCC.jar
Checksum:          -295559770
Severity:          optional
Category:          Logging
Restart:           true
Description:       Read and write the log message string as a byte[] encoded in
                    utf-8 instead of ObjectOutput.writeUTF() which has a size l

[root@v02230:/WebLogic/utils/bea922/utils/bsu] #> ./ -prod_dir=/WebLogic/utils/bea922/weblogic92 -status=applied -view -verbose
ProductName:       WebLogic Platform
ProductVersion:    9.2 MP2
Components:        WebLogic Platform/WebLogic Server,WebLogic Platform/Workshop
                    for WebLogic Platform
BEAHome:           /WebLogic/appdata1/Installs/bea922
ProductHome:       /WebLogic/appdata1/Installs/bea922/weblogic92
PatchSystemDir:    /WebLogic/appdata1/Installs/bea922/utils/bsu
PatchDir:          /WebLogic/appdata1/Installs/bea922/patch_weblogic922
Profile:           Default
DownloadDir:       /WebLogic/appdata1/Installs/bea922/utils/bsu/cache_dir
JavaHome:          /WebLogic/utils/bea922/jdk150_10
JavaVersion:       1.5.0_10
JavaVendor:        Sun

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Tuning JVM parameters:

jstat - to monitor the memory usage and garbage collector stats
./jstat -gcutil 8556 1 1

 Please add the following parameters to the JVM in the weblogic startup script.
-XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+PrintGCDetails -Xloggc:/home/user/gc.log -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/home/user

StackOverflow will occur:
1) Create a Properties object based on another (the Defaults parameter object). By example, Properties props1 = new Properties(System.getProperties()). 
2) the newly created object is used again as Default to create others. By example, Properties props2 = new Properties(props1);
3) repeat 1) and 2) too many times
4) if you try to get a parameter which is not in the newest properties object, it will try to recursively get the parameter from its Defaults parameter object, which in turn has its own Defaults parameter object, and so on. If the chain of Properties objects is too long, searching for an unexistent value may lead to a StackOverflow exception.

Parellel GC:

When we are doing a lot of processing it makes sense to choose the parallel collector. Note that when using Coherence we need to obtain data as fast as possible with a minimal amount of pause time. In this case, we can tune the parallel collector for a certain service level, i.e., a goal for the maximum introduced pause time while maintaining a certain throughput. By using the parallel collector we can specify the following service parameters:

maximum garbage collection pause time (-XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=N – if this parameter is specified the collector attempts to reach this service level.
throughput (-XX:GCTimeRatio=N) – the throughput goal 1 / (1+N) is measured as the time spent garbage collecting versus time spent running the application.
The parameters for the parallel collector can be set as follows:

-server -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m -XX:NewRatio=2 -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:ParallelGCThreads=2 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=200 -XX:GCTimeRatio=19 -XX:+UseParallelOldGC -XX:+UseTLAB -XX:LargePageSizeInBytes=2048k -XX:+UseLargePages
-server – select the JIT compiler.
-Xms – initial heap size.
-Xmx – maximum heap size.
-XX:NewRatio=N – sets the young generation to heap size / (1 + N).
-XX:-UseParallelGC – select the parallel collector for minor collections.
-XX:ParallelGCThreads – sets the number of garbage collector threads, i.e., the number of CPUs to be used.
-XX:MaxGCPauseMillis – sets the maximum pause time goal.
-XX:GCTimeRatio=N – sets the throughput goal that is measured in terms of the time spent doing garbage collection versus the time spent outside of garbage collection. In the case above with N=19, the garbage collection time to application time is set to 1 / (1+N) = 1 / 20, i.e., 5% of the total time is spent in garbage collection.
-XX:-UseParallelOldGC – selects the parallel collector for major collections.
-XX:+UseTLAB – enables thread-local object allocation. More information on thread local allocation can be found in the ‘Compaction and Thread Local Area’ section of the Tune the JVM that runs Coherence post.
-XX:LargePageSizeInBytes – sets the large page size used for the Java heap. We set this equal to the operating system parameter: Hugepagesize, which in our case is 2048kB
-XX:+UseLargePages – use large page memory. The steps involved on how to configure large pages in the operating system can be found in the ‘Call profiling and large pages’ section of the Tune the JVM that runs Coherence post.

MEM_ARGS="-server -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m -XX:NewRatio=2 -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:ParallelGCThreads=2 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=200 -XX:GCTimeRatio=19 -XX:+UseParallelOldGC -XX:+UseTLAB -XX:LargePageSizeInBytes=2048k -XX:+UseLargePages"

# output for the -XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime option
Total time for which application threads were stopped: 0.0001760 seconds
# output for the -XX:+PrintGCApplicationConcurrentTime option
Application time: 0.5882530 seconds
# output for the -verbosegc -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps options
1787.096: [GC [PSYoungGen: 331731K->6970K(337472K)] 1027141K->703972K(1037888K), 0.0225070 secs] [Times: user=0.04 sys=0.00, real=0.02 secs]
Total time for which application threads were stopped: 0.0227760 seconds
Application time: 0.0250060 seconds
1793.293: [GC [PSYoungGen: 331706K->3635K(337984K)] 1028708K->702533K(1038400K), 0.0164910 secs] [Times: user=0.03 sys=0.00, real=0.02 secs]
1793.325: [Full GC [PSYoungGen: 3635K->0K(337984K)] [ParOldGen: 698897K->19384K(700416K)] 702533K->19384K(1038400K) [PSPermGen: 40255K->39956K(81920K)], 0.3813170 secs] [Times: user=0.29 sys=0.02, real=0.39 secs]
Total time for which application threads were stopped: 0.4218670 seconds
Application time: 0.0016200 seconds
1798.766: [GC [PSYoungGen: 325504K->11112K(336640K)] 344888K->30496K(1037056K), 0.0154580 secs] [Times: user=0.03 sys=0.00, real=0.01 secs]
Total time for which application threads were stopped: 0.0159380 seconds
Application time: 0.1704330 seconds
3470.295: [GC-- [PSYoungGen: 337920K->337920K(342144K)] 1035431K->1038331K(1042560K), 0.1103830 secs] [Times: user=0.13 sys=0.00, real=0.11 secs]
3470.405: [Full GC [PSYoungGen: 337920K->0K(342144K)] [ParOldGen: 700411K->25867K(700416K)] 1038331K->25867K(1042560K) [PSPermGen: 40003K->39987K(83968K)], 0.2131430 secs] [Times: user=0.29 sys=0.00, real=0.22 secs]
Total time for which application threads were stopped: 0.3239480 seconds
Application time: 0.0004270 seconds
5075.141: [GC [PSYoungGen: 329440K->3008K(338816K)] 1025250K->701386K(1039232K), 0.0133860 secs] [Times: user=0.03 sys=0.00, real=0.02 secs]
5075.154: [Full GC [PSYoungGen: 3008K->0K(338816K)] [ParOldGen: 698378K->16712K(700416K)] 701386K->16712K(1039232K) [PSPermGen: 40040K->40023K(83968K)], 0.4227600 secs] [Times: user=0.36 sys=0.01, real=0.42 secs]
Total time for which application threads were stopped: 0.4365580 seconds
Application time: 0.0004490 seconds

The garbage collection log has the following structure: collector type: occupancy before the collection -> occupancy after the collection, pause time in seconds. When we look at the collection occurring at 1793.293, we have a minor collection in which the parallel collector is used. Here 331706 – 3335 = 328371kB were collected in 16 milliseconds. Subsequently, a major collection occurred at 1793.325, in which the total heap usage dropped from 702533kB to 19384kB. The message afterward shows that the application was stopped for 421 milliseconds. As can be seen from the logging above minor collections do not typically introduce long pause times. However, major collections, though infrequent, introduce a much larger pause time. If pause times introduced by the major collections can be controlled not to run into the seconds range this is something we can live with. One remark is in order though, when the heap is increased it is very likely the major collection pause time to increase as well. Note that this is dependent on the number of live objects on the heap. When using an in-memory cache we should strive to an object occupancy of no more than one-third of the heap (with the heap size being around 2048MB). This usually means that, we have to run more JVM instances if we want to store more data or resort to storing data off-heap or use the elastic data feature that automatically fails-over to disk when the configured RAM part is full. More information about Coherence storage can be found in the post Data Storage Structures in Coherence.

Some handy command-line tools that ship with the HotSpot JVM are:

jstat – to monitor the memory usage and garbage collection statistics.
jmap – to print shared object memory maps or heap memory details.
jhat – parses a java heap dump file (generated, for example, by jmap) and launches a web server that can be reached at:http://hostname:7000.
jconsole – a graphical monitoring tool that also provides an MBean browser.
An example jstat output is the following:

[oracle@edu-wls-rh bin]$ ./jstat -gcutil 8556 1 1
  S0     S1     E      O      P     YGC     YGCT    FGC    FGCT     GCT
  0.00  22.05  43.99  33.90  50.15   1652   31.886     5    1.341   33.228
This tells us that we have had 1652 minor collections (YGC) that took 31.886 seconds and 5 major collections (FGC) that took 1.341 seconds.

To obtain a heap summary, the garbage collection algorithm used, the heap configuration and generation wise heap usage, we can use jmap as 

Saturday, September 17, 2011

AWK command

* The Awk text-processing language is useful for such tasks as:
  • Tallying information from text files and creating reports from the results.
  • Adding additional functions to text editors like "vi".
  • Translating files from one format to another.
  • Creating small databases.
  • Performing mathematical operations on files of numeric data.
Awk has two faces: it is a utility for performing simple text-processing tasks, and it is a programming language for performing complex text-processing tasks.
The two faces are really the same, however. Awk uses the same mechanisms for handling any text-processing task, but these mechanisms are flexible enough to allow useful Awk programs to be entered on the command line, or to implement complicated programs containing dozens of lines of Awk statements.
Awk statements comprise a programming language. In fact, Awk is useful for simple, quick-and-dirty computational programming. Anybody who can write a BASIC program can use Awk, although Awk's syntax is different from that of BASIC. Anybody who can write a C program can use Awk with little difficulty, and those who would like to learn C may find Awk a useful stepping stone -- with the caution that Awk and C have significant differences beyond their many similarities.
There are, however, things that Awk is not. It is not really well suited for extremely large, complicated tasks. It is also an "interpreted" language -- that is, an Awk program cannot run on its own, it must be executed by the Awk utility itself. That means that it is relatively slow, though it is efficient as interpretive languages go, and that the program can only be used on systems that have Awk. There are translators available that can convert Awk programs into C code for compilation as stand-alone programs, but such translators have to be purchased separately.
One last item before proceeding: What does the name "Awk" mean? Awk actually stands for the names of its authors: "Aho, Weinberger, & Kernighan". Kernighan later noted: "Naming a language after its authors ... shows a certain poverty of imagination." The name is reminiscent of that of an oceanic bird known as an "auk", and so the picture of an auk often shows up on the cover of books on Awk.


* It is easy to use Awk from the command line to perform simple operations on text files. Suppose we have a file named "coins.txt" that describes a coin collection. Each line in the file contains the following information:
  metal  weight in ounces   date minted   country of origin   description
The file has the contents:
gold     1    1986  USA                 American Eagle
   gold     1    1908  Austria-Hungary     Franz Josef 100 Korona
   silver  10    1981  USA                 ingot
   gold     1    1984  Switzerland         ingot
   gold     1    1979  RSA                 Krugerrand
   gold     0.5  1981  RSA                 Krugerrand
   gold     0.1  1986  PRC                 Panda
   silver   1    1986  USA                 Liberty dollar
   gold     0.25 1986  USA                 Liberty 5-dollar piece
   silver   0.5  1986  USA                 Liberty 50-cent piece
   silver   1    1987  USA                 Constitution dollar
   gold     0.25 1987  USA                 Constitution 5-dollar piece
   gold     1    1988  Canada              Maple Leaf
We could then invoke Awk to list all the gold pieces as follows:
awk '/gold/' coins.txt
This tells Awk to search through the file for lines of text that contain the string "gold", and print them out. The result is:
gold     1    1986  USA                 American Eagle
   gold     1    1908  Austria-Hungary     Franz Josef 100 Korona
   gold     1    1984  Switzerland         ingot
   gold     1    1979  RSA                 Krugerrand
   gold     0.5  1981  RSA                 Krugerrand
   gold     0.1  1986  PRC                 Panda
   gold     0.25 1986  USA                 Liberty 5-dollar piece
   gold     0.25 1987  USA                 Constitution 5-dollar piece
   gold     1    1988  Canada              Maple Leaf
* This is all very nice, a critic might say, but any "grep" or "find" utility can do the same thing. True, but Awk is capable of doing much more. For example, suppose we only want to print the description field, and leave all the other text out. We could then change the invocation of Awk to:
awk '/gold/ {print $5,$6,$7,$8}' coins.txt
This yields:
American Eagle  
   Franz Josef 100 Korona
   Liberty 5-dollar piece 
   Constitution 5-dollar piece 
   Maple Leaf
This example demonstrates the simplest general form of an Awk program:
awk <search pattern> {<program actions>}
Awk searches through the input file for each line that contains the search pattern. For each of these lines found, Awk then performs the specified actions. In this example, the action is specified as:
{print $5,$6,$7,$8}
The purpose of the "print" statement is obvious. The "$5", "$6", "$7", and "$8" are "fields", or "field variables", which store the words in each line of text by their numeric sequence. "$1", for example, stores the first word in the line, "$2" has the second, and so on. By default, a "word" is defined as any string of printing characters separated by spaces.Since "coins.txt" has the structure:
  metal  weight in ounces   date minted   country of origin   description
-- then the field variables are matched to each line of text in the file as follows:
metal:        $1
   weight:       $2
   date:         $3
   country:      $4
   description:  $5 through $8
The program action in this example prints the fields that contain the description. The description field in the file may actually include from one to four fields, but that's not a problem, since "print" simply ignores any undefined fields. The alert reader will notice that the "coins.txt" file is neatly organized so that the only piece of information that contains multiple fields is at the end of the line. This is a little contrived, but that's the way examples are.* Awk's default program action is to print the entire line, which is what "print" does when invoked without parameters. This means that the first example:
   awk '/gold/'
-- is the same as:
awk '/gold/ {print}'
Note that Awk recognizes the field variable $0 as representing the entire line, so this could also be written as:
awk '/gold/ {print $0}'
This is redundant, but it does have the virtue of making the action more obvious.* Now suppose we want to list all the coins that were minted before 1980. We invoke Awk as follows:
   awk '{if ($3 < 1980) print $3, "    ",$5,$6,$7,$8}' coins.txt
This yields:
1908      Franz Josef 100 Korona
   1979      Krugerrand 
This new example adds a few new concepts:
  • No search pattern is specified. Without a search pattern, Awk will match all lines in the input file, and perform the actions on each one.
  • We can add text of our own to the "print" statement (in this case, four spaces) simply by enclosing the text in quotes and adding it to the parameter list.
  • An "if" statement is used to check for a date field earlier than 1980, and the "print" statement is executed only if that condition is true.There's a subtle issue involved here, however. In most computer languages, strings are strings, and numbers are numbers. There are operations that unique to each, and one must be specifically converted to the other with conversion functions -- we don't concatenate numbers, and we don't perform arithmetic operations on strings.
    Awk, on the other hand, makes no strong distinction between strings and numbers. In computer-science terms, it is a "weakly-typed" language. All the fields are regarded as strings, but if that string also happens to represent a number, numeric operations can be performed on it. So we can perform an arithmetic comparison on the date field.
* The next example prints out how many coins are in the collection:
   awk 'END {print NR,"coins"}' coins.txt
This yields:
13 coins
The first new item in this example is the END statement. To explain this requires extending the general form of an Awk program to:
awk 'BEGIN              {<initializations>} 
        <search pattern 1> {<program actions>} 
        <search pattern 2> {<program actions>} 
        END                {<final actions>}'
The BEGIN clause performs any initializations required before Awk starts scanning the input file. The subsequent body of the Awk program consists of a series of search patterns, each with its own program action. Awk scans each line of the input file for each search pattern, and performs the appropriate actions for each string found. Once the file has been scanned, an END clause can be used to perform any final actions required.So this example doesn't perform any processing on the input lines themselves. All it does is scan through the file and perform a final action: print the number of lines in the file, which is given by the "NR" variable. NR stands for "number of records". NR is one of Awk's "pre-defined" variables. There are others, for example the variable NF gives the number of fields in a line, but a detailed explanation will have to wait for later.
* Suppose the current price of gold is $425, and we want to figure out the approximate total value of the gold pieces in the coin collection. We invoke Awk as follows:
   awk '/gold/ {ounces += $2} END {print "value = $" 425*ounces}' coins.txt
This yields:
value = $2592.5
In this example, "ounces" is a "user defined" variable, as opposed to the "standard" pre-defined variables. Almost any string of characters can be used as a variable name in Awk, as long as the name doesn't conflict with some string that has a specific meaning to Awk, such as "print" or "NR" or "END". There is no need to declare the variable, or to initialize it. A variable handled as a string variable is initialized to the "null string", meaning that if we try to print it, nothing will be there. A variable handled as a numeric variable will be initialized to zero.So the program action:
   {ounces += $2}
-- sums the weight of the piece on each matched line into the variable "ounces". Those who program in C should be familiar with the "+=" operator. Those who don't can be assured that this is just a shorthand way of saying:
{ounces = ounces + $2}
The final action is to compute and print the value of the gold:
END {print "value = $" 425*ounces}
The only thing here of interest is that the two print parameters, the literal '"value = $"' and the expression "425*ounces", are separated by a space, not a comma. This concatenates the two parameters together on output, without any intervening spaces.BACK_TO_TOP


* All this is fun, but each of these examples only seems to nibble away at "coins.txt". Why not have Awk figure out everything interesting at one time?
The immediate objection to this idea is that it would be impractical to enter a lot of Awk statements on the command line, but that's easy to fix. The commands can be written into a file, and then Awk can be told to execute the commands from that file as follows:
   awk -f <awk program file name>
Given an ability to write an Awk program in this way, then what should a "master" "coins.txt" analysis program do? Here's one possible output:
Summary Data for Coin Collection:
     Gold pieces:                   nn
     Weight of gold pieces:         nn.nn
     Value of gold pieces:       n,nnn.nn

     Silver pieces:                 nn
     Weight of silver pieces:       nn.nn
     Value of silver pieces:     n,nnn.nn

     Total number of pieces:        nn
     Value of collection:        n,nnn.nn

The following Awk program generates this information:
# This is an awk program that summarizes a coin collection.
   /gold/    { num_gold++; wt_gold += $2 }      # Get weight of gold.
   /silver/  { num_silver++; wt_silver += $2 }  # Get weight of silver.
   END { val_gold = 485 * wt_gold;              # Compute value of gold.
         val_silver = 16 * wt_silver;           # Compute value of silver.
         total = val_gold + val_silver;
         print "Summary data for coin collection:";  # Print results.
         printf ("\n");
         printf ("   Gold pieces:                   %2d\n", num_gold);
         printf ("   Weight of gold pieces:         %5.2f\n", wt_gold);
         printf ("   Value of gold pieces:        %7.2f\n",val_gold);
         printf ("\n");
         printf ("   Silver pieces:                 %2d\n", num_silver);
         printf ("   Weight of silver pieces:       %5.2f\n", wt_silver);
         printf ("   Value of silver pieces:      %7.2f\n",val_silver);
         printf ("\n");
         printf ("   Total number of pieces:        %2d\n", NR);
         printf ("   Value of collection:         %7.2f\n", total); }
This program has a few interesting features:
  • Comments can be inserted in the program by preceding them with a "#".
  • Note the statements "num_gold++" and "num_silver++". C programmers should understand the "++" operator; those who are not can be assured that it simply increments the specified variable by one.
  • Multiple statements can be written on the same line by separating them with a semicolon (";").
  • Note the use of the "printf" statement, which offers more flexible printing capabilities than the "print" statement. "Printf" has the general syntax:printf("<format_code>",<parameters>)
    There is one format code for each of the parameters in the list. Each format code determines how its corresponding parameter will be printed. For example, the format code "%2d" tells Awk to print a two-digit integer number, and the format code "%7.2f" tells Awk to print a seven-digit floating-point number, with two digits to the right of the decimal point.
    Note also that, in this example, each string printed by "printf" ends with a "\n", which is a code for a "newline" (ASCII line-feed code). Unlike the "print" statement, which automatically advances the output to the next line when it prints a line, "printf" does not automatically advance the output, and by default the next output statement will append its output to the same line. A newline forces the output to skip to the next line.
* This program can be stored in a file named "summary.awk", and invoked as follows:
   awk -f summary.awk coins.txt
The output is:
Summary data for coin collection:

      Gold pieces:                    9
      Weight of gold pieces:          6.10
      Value of gold pieces:        2958.50

      Silver pieces:                  4
      Weight of silver pieces:       12.50
      Value of silver pieces:       200.00

      Total number of pieces:        13
      Value of collection:         3158.50

Quick Reference:

This final section provides a convenient lookup reference for Awk programming.
* Invoking Awk:
   awk [-F<ch>] {pgm} | {-f <pgm file>} [<vars>] [-|<data file>]
-- where:
ch:          Field-separator character.
   pgm:         Awk command-line program.
   pgm file:    File containing an Awk program.
   vars:        Awk variable initializations.
   data file:   Input data file.
* General form of Awk program:
BEGIN              {<initializations>} 
   <search pattern 1> {<program actions>} 
   <search pattern 2> {<program actions>} 
   END                {<final actions>}
* Search patterns:
/<string>/     Search for string.
   /^<string>/    Search for string at beginning of line.
   /<string>$/    Search for string at end of line.
The search can be constrained to particular fields:
$<field> ~ /<string>/   Search for string in specified field.
   $<field> !~ /<string>/  Search for string \Inot\i in specified field.
Strings can be ORed in a search:
The search can be for an entire range of lines, bounded by two strings:
The search can be for any condition, such as line number, and can use the following comparison operators:
== != < > <= >=
Different conditions can be ORed with "||" or ANDed with "&&".
[<charlist or range>]   Match on any character in list or range.
   [^<charlist or range>]  Match on any character not in list or range.
   .                       Match any single character.
   *                       Match 0 or more occurrences of preceding string.
   ?                       Match 0 or 1 occurrences of preceding string.
   +                       Match 1 or more occurrences of preceding string.
If a metacharacter is part of the search string, it can be "escaped" by preceding it with a "\".* Special characters:
   \n     Newline (line feed).
Backspace. \r Carriage return. \f Form feed. A "\" can be embedded in a string by entering it twice: "\\".* Built-in variables:
   $0; $1,$2,$3,...  Field variables.
   NR                Number of records (lines).
   NF                Number of fields.
   FILENAME          Current input filename.
   FS                Field separator character (default: " ").
   RS                Record separator character (default: "\n").
   OFS               Output field separator (default: " ").
   ORS               Output record separator (default: "\n").
   OFMT              Output format (default: "%.6g").
* Arithmetic operations:
+   Addition.
   -   Subtraction.
   *   Multiplication.
   /   Division.
   %   Mod.
   ++  Increment.
   --  Decrement.
Shorthand assignments:
x += 2  -- is the same as:  x = x + 2
   x -= 2  -- is the same as:  x = x - 2
   x *= 2  -- is the same as:  x = x * 2
   x /= 2  -- is the same as:  x = x / 2
   x %= 2  -- is the same as:  x = x % 2
* The only unique string operation is concatenation, which is performed simply by listing two strings connected by a blank space.* Arithmetic functions:
   sqrt()     Square root.
   log()      Base \Ie\i log.
   exp()      Power of \Ie\i.
   int()      Integer part of argument.
* String functions:
  • length()Length of string.
  • substr(<string>,<start of substring>,<max length of substring>)Get substring.
  • split(<string>,<array>,[<field separator>])Split string into array, with initial array index being 1.
  • index(<target string>,<search string>)Find index of search string in target string.
  • sprintf()Perform formatted print into string.
* Control structures:
   if (<condition>) <action 1> [else <action 2>]
   while (<condition>) <action>
   for (<initial action>;<condition>;<end-of-loop action>) <action>
Scanning through an associative array with "for":
for (<variable> in <array>) <action>
Unconditional control statements:
break       Break out of "while" or "for" loop.
   continue    Perform next iteration of "while" or "for" loop.
   next        Get and scan next line of input.
   exit        Finish reading input and perform END statements.
* Print:
print <i1>, <i2>, ...   Print items separated by OFS; end with newline.
   print <i1> <i2> ...     Print items concatenated; end with newline.
* Printf():General format:
   printf(<string with format codes>,[<parameters>])
Newlines must be explicitly specified with a "\n".General form of format code:
   %[<number>]<format code>
The optional "number" can consist of:
  • A leading "-" for left-justified output.
  • An integer part that specifies the minimum output width. (A leading "0" causes the output to be padded with zeroes.)
  • A fractional part that specifies either the maximum number of characters to be printed (for a string), or the number of digits to be printed to the right of the decimal point (for floating-point formats).
The format codes are:
   d    Prints a number in decimal format.
   o    Prints a number in octal format.
   x    Prints a number in hexadecimal format.
   c    Prints a character, given its numeric code.
   s    Prints a string.
   e    Prints a number in exponential format.
   f    Prints a number in floating-point format.
   g    Prints a number in exponential or floating-point format.
* Awk can perform output redirection (using ">" and ">>") and piping (using "|") from both "print" and "printf"

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Solaris information

Gathering Solaris system informationA UNIX administrator may be asked to gather system information about his/her Solaris systems. Here are the commands used on a Solaris 7 system to gather various system information.

The psrinfo utility displays processor information. When run in verbose mode, it lists the speed of each processor and when the processor was last placed on-line (generally the time the system was started unless it was manually taken off-line).

/usr/sbin/psrinfo -v
Status of processor 1 as of: 12/12/02 09:25:50
  Processor has been on-line since 11/17/02 21:10:09.
  The sparcv9 processor operates at 400 MHz,
        and has a sparcv9 floating point processor.
Status of processor 3 as of: 12/12/02 09:25:50
  Processor has been on-line since 11/17/02 21:10:11.
  The sparcv9 processor operates at 400 MHz,
        and has a sparcv9 floating point processor.

The psradm utility can enable or disable a specific processor.

To disable a processor:
/usr/sbin/psradm -f processor_id
To enable a processor:

/usr/sbin/psradm -n processor_id

The psrinfo utility will display the processor_id when run in either standard or verbose mode.


The prtconf utility will display the system configuration, including the amount of physical memory.

To display the amount of RAM:

/usr/sbin/prtconf | grep Memory
Memory size: 3072 Megabytes

Disk space

Although there are several ways you could gather this information, the following command lists the amount of kilobytes in use versus total kilobytes available in local file systems stored on physical disks. The command does not include disk space usage from the /proc virtual file system, the floppy disk, or swap space.

df -lk | egrep -v "Filesystem|/proc|/dev/fd|swap" | awk '{ total_kbytes += $2 } { used_kbytes += $3 } END { printf "%d of %d kilobytes in use.\n", used_kbytes, total_kbytes }'
19221758 of 135949755 kilobytes in use.

You may want to convert the output to megabytes or gigabytes and display the statistics as a percentage of utilization.

The above command will list file system usage. If you are interested in listing physical disks (some of which may not be allocated to a file system), use the format command as the root user, or the iostat -En command as a non-privileged user.

Processor and kernel bits

If you are running Solaris 2.6 or earlier, you are running a 32-bit kernel.

Determine bits of processor:
isainfo -bv

Determine bits of Solaris kernel:
isainfo -kv

Sunday, July 31, 2011

JMS in weblogic9

How to configure a Queue:

1) Create a JMS server and target to our managed server.
2) Create a jms module and target to managed server
3) Create a connection  factory and target only to our managed server "dont go for AdvancedTargetting" Also dont configure subdeployment for connection factory as it was not a pinned service.
4) Create a destination and go for subdeployment and target to JMS Server.

Thats it configuration done.

How to Configure DistributedDestinations:

1) Create JMSserver-1 and filestore-1 and target to ms1(migratable)
2)  Create JMSserver-2 and filestore-2 and target to ms2(migratable)
3) Create JMS module and targeted to cluster.
4) Create SUBdeployment and targetted to both JMSServer-1 and JMSserver-2.
5) Create connection factory and it will automatically targetted to cluster(because jmsmodule was targeted to the cluster)
6) Create the distributed queue even though it will target to c1(automatically) go for advanced targetting and give it for subdeployment(which was automatically targetted to jmsserver-1 and jmsserver-2)

Thursday, July 28, 2011


A URI does not have to specify the location of a specific representation


A URL is a URI but a URI is not a URL. A URL is a specialization of URI that defines the network location of a specific representation for a given resource


Tuesday, July 26, 2011


1 created 1 Admin and 1 managedin
2 created 1 managed in

Configuring node manager:
1) created machine for admin and ms1 with their ip and port
2) Go to C:\bea10.3\wlserver_10.3\server\bin take nminstalsvc backup and make the changes
3) created folder nodemanager in C:\Weblogic\apps\nodemanager\nmDomain\nodemanager in 17.145  edited the installservices set NODEMGR_HOST=
set NODEMGR_PORT=5556 and start the nodemanger
4) you will get and
5) fro CrashRecovery and startupScriptsEnabled:
    We wnat to enable nodemanager to restore from their last known state after server reboot.

6)Enroll the domain in nodemanger:
- run setDomainenv
- java weblogic.WLST
-wls:/offline> connect('weblogic','weblogic','t3://')
-wls:/nmDomain/serverConfig> nmEnroll(domainDir='C:/Weblogic/apps/nodemanager/nmD
 Enrolling this machine with the domain directory at C:/Weblogic/apps/nodemanager
 /nmDomain ...
 Successfully enrolled this machine with the domain directory at C:\Weblogic\apps
 \nodemanager\nmDomain.  ---- make sure all are forward slashes.
- now you will get nodemanagers.domain in nodemagers home directory.

7) Prvide the approprivate values to server start in server tab in console

-javahome: C:\bea10.3\jdk160_05
-vendor= oracle
-Bea home=C:\bea10.3\wlserver_10.3
Arguments: Xrs for jdk and -Xnohup for jrocket

if you dint provide also no issue you can able to start or stop remotely, but the server dint recovered automatically under any circumstances. If you provide remote start up then only any thing happened it will restart automatically.

So for any servers needs to configure remotely we need to enroll first